AIA Cambodia renews partnership with ISF to benefit and uplift more underprivileged young Cambodians

13 September 2023 dot 5 Minute Read

Phnom Penh, 13 September 2023 – AIA (Cambodia) Life Insurance Plc (“AIA Cambodia”) today renewed their partnership with the Indochina Starfish Foundation (ISF), consolidating a long-term relationship that uplifts thousands of underprivileged young Cambodians through football and education.

The partnership signifying the renewal, which begins in 2024 and concludes in 2026, was signed by AIA Cambodia Chief Executive Officer Mr. Andrew Loh and ISF Chief Executive Mrs. Vicheka Chourp at ISF’s school here recently. The ceremony was witnessed by 200 ISF students, parents as well management and staff from both organizations.

ISF is an award-winning NGO that uses educational, football and community development initiatives, including their Catch Up Education program, to steer underprivileged children towards a brighter future. AIA Cambodia is the Kingdom’s leading life and health insurer, offering a range of market-leading solutions that align with its purpose of helping Cambodians live Healthier, Longer and Better Lives.

AIA Cambodia will continue as the partner and organizer of the annual AIA-ISF Youth League and the AIA-ISF Grand Championship. They will also aim to expand the League, the nation’s largest grassroots football competition.

The continued support from AIA Cambodia also sees them provide complimentary life and health medical benefits to ISF staff. This ensures their staff enjoys financial protection and peace of mind while continuing to focus on ensuring the wellbeing and welfare of their students. 

Since AIA Cambodia began their partnership with ISF in 2017, the AIA-ISF Youth League has benefitted more than 7,000 children by enabling them to remain healthy, develop football skills and learn character-building qualities that include teamwork and sportsmanship.

It has also opened up socioeconomic opportunities. A number of participants now play in the Cambodian Premier League while others have advanced to represent the national team.

The AIA Cambodia-ISF partnership, the showcase of the insurer’s Sports for Youth program, was recognized at the 2023 Laureus Sport for Good Global Summit in London for ISF’s youth football initiative, which equips girls with the relevant skills to play the game.

The now seven-year partnership also saw the AIA Group send 24 female students to the AIA-Spurs Elite Football Camp in Koh Samui, Thailand in June to train under the club’s coaches. AIA Cambodia also flew four ISF students to London to act as match-day mascots during a Tottenham Hotspur English Premier League game.

Mrs. Vicheka Chourp said: “ISF and AIA Cambodia are passionate believers in the power of football to inculcate the basics of exercise, good health and nutrition, which are key to overall wellbeing. We also regard education as a critical foundation for a better life, and our partnership allows us to achieve both these goals as well as create further awareness of our marginalized young.

“We look forward to strengthening our already productive relationship with AIA Cambodia. For ISF, it has produced major wins for both students as well as staff, as exemplified by AIA’s offering of insurance coverage to them to help alleviate any financial issues.”

Mr. Andrew Loh said: “We are honored to extend our partnership with ISF, one of the Kingdom’s most well-respected NGOs and one that has had such a life-changing, affirmative impact on the lives of thousands of underprivileged children.

“AIA Cambodia partners organizations or causes that share our purpose of helping Cambodians lead Healthier, Longer, Better Lives, and the ISF’s tireless work aligns to what we are trying to achieve. We are confident that our collaboration will bear greater fruit in the future and enhance the lives of more underprivileged Cambodian youngsters.”

For more details on AIA Cambodia’s work with the ISF and to support their cause, please email For information on AIA Cambodia’s comprehensive life, critical illness and accident solutions and medical coverage, do contact AIA Client Care at 086 999 242, visit or browse



About AIA Cambodia

AIA (Cambodia) Life Insurance Plc (“AIA Cambodia”) is a member of AIA Group Limited, the largest independent publicly listed pan-Asian life insurance group with branches and subsidiaries in 18 markets. 

AIA Cambodia is guided by our purpose to help Cambodians live Healthier, Longer, Better Lives. Since commencing business in 2017, we’ve become the first life and health insurer to provide coverage on 26 critical illnesses. As among the Kingdom’s premier insurers, AIA Cambodia today offers market-leading life and health solutions for all walks of life ranging from tailor-made crucial coverage plans that include critical illnesses, accidents, medical insurance and overseas emergency assistance.

We focus on building an inclusive society that benefits from a healthy lifestyle, achieving this via community-first initiatives that include partnering the Ministry of Women’s Affairs to further empower gender equality and women’s rights and raising breast cancer awareness through our annual Fit for Hope campaign.  

AIA Cambodia also uplifts thousands of underprivileged children by sponsoring the AIA-ISF Youth League – Cambodia’s largest grassroots football league. We collaborate with AIA’s global principal partner, English Premier League club Tottenham Hotspur, to ensure these children receive the education they deserve.  

AIA Cambodia is the only Cambodian life and health insurer awarded HR Asia’s “Best Companies to Work for in Asia” for three consecutive years, from 2020 to 2022. Headquartered in Phnom Penh, the company currently has branches in Siem Reap, Kampot, Kampong Cham and Battambang.


Media Contact

Meng Daneth

Senior Marketing Manager